Saturday, May 31, 2008


We took Isaac to the Cincinnati Zoo yesterday for the first time. We got to see the "Ellies" take a bath (elephants) and we watched the "Oukeys" (monkies) swing on vines and branches. We saw the "big kitties" in the cat house and we watched the bears swim. It was a nice warm day and we all had a nice time together :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Happy 34th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

We came home for lunch today after church because we had a lot of leftovers that needed eating! I put Isaac in his highchair and started helping him get started on his lunch when he kept saying "a men, a men" and pointing at Daddy. I then realized that he was saying "Amen" because we hadn't prayed for the food yet. He is so smart! Whenever we finish a prayer, he always says "a men".

I pray with him before he goes to bed and he makes sure that I don't forget any names in the prayer :) Then I sing him a song about Jesus and he claps when the song is done, and says "night-night", which means he is ready to be put into bed.

I hadn't realized until lunch today that he pays enough attention to our prayer times to notice when it doesn't happen... and then to let me know about it! I love him so much... he is such a blessing from God.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Isaac had his 18 month pictures taken today. We had a few good pictures...
... and a few not so good pictures. He was really unhappy at the studio today. He hardly smiled and cried for about half the pictures. I brought him a change of clothes, but NONE of those pictures were good :(

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

18 months old!

I can't believe my baby is 1 1/2! He and I made cookies to celebrate his half birthday and then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and played at the park. We had a really nice day :)