Thursday, August 6, 2009

Potty training

Isaac has been wearing underwear during the day since the last week of July. It has been 1 week and he is not having accidents! In the first part of the week, he would wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom... of which Mommy wasn't the happiest, however, he now can wake up with a dry diaper! We bring a portable over-the-toilet potty seat with us wherever we go now instead of a diaperbag, and he has used the restroom successfully at Target, Bob Evans, McDonalds, church and at our friends' houses :) We are very pleased with his progress :)

(Wrestling and pinning oversized stuffed bears is not part of the training process, but these photos are the only ones that I have of Isaac wearing big boy underpants!)

Caution... you don't always know what you're gonna get!

Photos of Isaac may have to be taken several times before getting the desired facial expression...

July 2009

Waiting for fireworks at the Alma's house, July 4th Picnic at the new church building, July 5th
Flag on the church property
Sparklers on the deck! (before burning his thumb) July 5th
Ice cream at Grandma's house! July 10th
Swinging at the Hall's house, July 11th
Jumping on the trampoline at the Hall's house
At the park, July 13th
Giving blue bear hugs and kisses. July 14th
Dayton Air Show, July 18th
Isaac sized jet!
"I wanna drive it, Mommy"
Wrestling an alligator, July 29th

June 2009

At the park, June 1st "wanna race?" ... a little out of control ~ whatever it takes to win!
Isaac's first and only motorcycle ;)
Church building, June 7th
We are at the flagpole, the church is behind us. Rexlaxing, June 19th
Taking a "bubble" bath on the deck. (Where is his mother?!) June 25th
Playing in Liam's new birthday swimming pool, June 26th
Candy at Garret's 1 year birthday party, June 27th
Playing in the dirt at the church property, June 27th

May 2009

Cute wink ;) May 7th (officially 2 1/2 years old)
Sweat and dirt. Helped Mommy mulch. May 12th
Our 10 year wedding anniverary. Hocking Hills May 15th
The matching hats Daddy brought back from Hocking Hills. May 16th
Walking the trail at Great Grandma's house. May 22nd
Supper at Great Grandma's. May 22nd
Isaac, Grandma and Great Grandma.
Isaac enjoying a makeshift swimming pool. May 23rd Swinging at old Union School. May 24th
Isaac's a big boy now ~ in a big boy bed!! May 25th
Memorial Day Parade. May 25th
Me and my boy. May 28th
Isaac got mail! A card and stickers from Grandma/Grandpa for moving into a big boy bed. May 29th
At the new church building. May 31st

April 2009

April 1st :) Pretty Daffodils in the front yard, April 1st
Zoo, April 9th

Bubbles! April 9th
Coloring eggs, April 10th

Resurrection Sunday, April 12th
At the zoo with friends, April 23rd
Helping Mommy put groceries away.... April 23rd
Playing with Thomas the Train set on the deck, April 27th
Checking out the church property, April 28th