Charles turned Isaac's carseat around so that he is now facing forward. Isaac loves it! He started saying "Go" and "Beep" and making car sounds. He is so cute. He actually gets excited when you tell him we're going bye-bye.
I was worried that he wouldn't be able to sleep comfortably now that the seat sits more upright, but he didn't seem to have any trouble passing out on our car ride to the store Thursday afternoon.
We went to the Hirth's house for their annual Christmas Party Friday night. Isaac enjoyed playing with Jason's dogs (and their toys). He didn't act a bit fearful of the dogs! I was surprised because if you've seen Jason's dogs, or if they've ever greeted you in the driveway, you know that his dogs can be a bit intimidating. It was kinda funny because the dogs actually acted like they were afraid of Isaac. We had a good time at the party and Isaac was worn out. When we pulled out of the driveway to go home, Charles turned on the light in the car and turned around and said "Go" to Isaac before he realized that Isaac was already sleeping (or trying to sleep at this point). Isaac responded with a funny look and a squint. It was funny. He went right back to sleep once we turned the light off :)